Table of Contents

Class Document


Represents a document with structured elements.

public class Document : IDisposable
Inherited Members



Initializes a new instance of the Document class. This constructor creates a new, empty document.

public Document()


// Create a new, empty document
var Doc = new Openize.Words.Document();
// Initialize a new instance of body the empty document.
var body = new Openize.Words.Body(doc);
// Add paragraph wiht run
var para = new Openize.Words.IElements.Paragraph();
para.AddRun(new Openize.Words.IElements.Run
        Text = "First Run with Times New Roman Blue Color Bold",
        FontFamily = "Times New Roman",
        Color = Openize.Words.IElements.Colors.Blue,
        Bold = true,
        FontSize = 12
// Append paragraph to the document
// Save document to file.


Use this constructor to create a new, blank document that you can populate with content. To work with an existing document, consider using the Document(string) constructor.


Initializes a new instance of the Document class by loading content from a Stream.

public Document(Stream stream)


stream Stream

The input stream from which to load the document content.



Thrown if an error occurs while loading the document.


Initializes a new instance of the Document class by loading content from a file specified by its filename.

public Document(string filename)


filename string

The path to the file from which to load the document content.



Thrown if an error occurs while loading the document.



Dispose off all managed and unmanaged resources.

public void Dispose()


protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)


disposing bool


Gets the element styles of the document.

public ElementStyles GetElementStyles()




Retrieves a list of existing elements from the internal data structure.

public List<IElement> GetElements()



A list of IElement objects representing the existing elements.

See Also

InsertAfter(IElement, IElement)

Inserts an element after a specified element in the structure.

public int InsertAfter(IElement newElement, IElement element)


newElement IElement

The element to be inserted.

element IElement

The element after which the new element should be inserted.



The unique identifier ElementId if the new element is successfully inserted after the specified element. If the specified element is not found, -1 is returned. If an error occurs during the insertion operation, a OpenizeException is thrown.


This method inserts the specified element after the provided element in the structure. The method attempts to locate the specified element by comparing their unique IDs. If the insertion operation is successful, the method returns ElementId of the inserted element. If the specified element is not found, -1 is returned, and no changes are made to the structure. If an exception occurs during the insertion operation, the method attempts to restore the structure to its previous state and throws a OpenizeException with detailed error information.

InsertAfter(IElement, int)

Inserts an element after a specified element in the structure by its unique ID.

public int InsertAfter(IElement newElement, int elementId)


newElement IElement

The element to be inserted.

elementId int

The unique ID of the element after which the new element should be inserted.



The unique identifier ElementId of the inserted element if the new element is successfully inserted after the specified element. If the specified element is not found, -1 is returned. If an error occurs during the insertion operation, a OpenizeException is thrown.


This method inserts the specified element after the element with the provided unique ID in the structure. It is important to ensure that the specified element exists in the structure to determine the insertion point. If the insertion operation is successful, the method returns ElementId of the inserted element. If the specified element is not found, -1 is returned, and no changes are made to the structure. If an exception occurs during the insertion operation, the method attempts to restore the structure to its previous state and throws a OpenizeException with detailed error information.

InsertBefore(IElement, IElement)

Inserts an element before the specified reference element.

public int InsertBefore(IElement newElement, IElement element)


newElement IElement

The element to be inserted.

element IElement

The reference element before which the new element should be inserted.



The unique identifier ElementId of inserted element if the new element is successfully inserted before the reference element. If the reference element is not found in the structure, -1 is returned. If an error occurs during the insertion operation, a OpenizeException is thrown.


This method inserts the specified element before the provided reference element in the structure. The method attempts to locate the reference element and insert the new element before it. If the insertion operation is successful, the method returns ElementId of the inserted element. If the reference element is not found, -1 is returned, and no changes are made to the structure. If an exception occurs during the insertion operation, the method attempts to restore the structure to its previous state and throws a OpenizeException with detailed error information.

InsertBefore(IElement, int)

Inserts an element before the element with the specified unique ID.

public int InsertBefore(IElement newElement, int elementId)


newElement IElement

The element to be inserted.

elementId int

The unique ID of the element before which the new element should be inserted.



The unique identifier ElementId of the inserted element if the new element is successfully inserted before the specified element. If the specified element with the provided ID is not found, -1 is returned. If an error occurs during the insertion operation, a OpenizeException is thrown.


This method inserts the specified element before the element with the provided unique ID in the structure. The method attempts to locate the element with the specified ID and insert the new element before it. If the insertion operation is successful, the method returns ElementId of the inserted element. If the element with the specified ID is not found, -1 is returned, and no changes are made to the structure. If an exception occurs during the insertion operation, the method attempts to restore the structure to its previous state and throws a OpenizeException with detailed error information.


Removes the specified element with the given ElementID from the document.

public bool Remove(int elementId)


elementId int

The unique identifier of the element you want to remove.



true if the element is successfully removed; otherwise, false if the element is not found. Throws a OpenizeException if an exception occurs during the operation.


If the specified element is not found in the document, this method returns false. If the removal of the element fails due to an exception, it rolls back the operation and reverts the document to its original state. The element is removed from the internal document structure and, if applicable, the underlying OOXML document.


Removes the element that follows a specified element in the structure.

public bool RemoveAfter(IElement element)


element IElement

The element whose follower should be removed.



true if the element following the specified element is successfully removed; otherwise, false. If the specified element is not found or if there is no element following it, false is returned. If an error occurs during the removal operation, a OpenizeException is thrown.


This method removes the element that comes after the specified element in the structure. It is essential to ensure that the specified element exists in the structure and has an element following it. If the removal operation is successful, the method returns true. If the element is not found or there is no element following it, false is returned, and no changes are made to the structure. If an exception occurs during the removal operation, the method attempts to restore the structure to its previous state and throws a OpenizeException with detailed error information.


Removes the element that follows a specified element in the structure by its unique ID.

public bool RemoveAfter(int elementId)


elementId int

The unique ID of the element whose follower should be removed.



true if the element following the specified element is successfully removed; otherwise, false. If the specified element is not found or if there is no element following it, false is returned. If an error occurs during the removal operation, a OpenizeException is thrown.


This method removes the element that comes after the specified element with the provided unique ID in the structure. It is essential to ensure that the specified element exists in the structure and has an element following it. If the removal operation is successful, the method returns true. If the element is not found or there is no element following it, false is returned, and no changes are made to the structure. If an exception occurs during the removal operation, the method attempts to restore the structure to its previous state and throws a OpenizeException with detailed error information.


Removes the element that precedes the specified element from the collection. If the specified element is not found or is the first element in the collection, no removal occurs.

public bool RemoveBefore(IElement element)


element IElement

The element whose predecessor should be removed.



true if the preceding element is successfully removed; otherwise, false if the element is not found. Throws a OpenizeException if an exception occurs during the operation.


The method searches for the element with the specified element identifier and removes the element that immediately precedes it in the collection. If the specified element is not found or is the first element in the collection, no removal occurs, and the method returns -1. In case of success, it returns the ElementId of removed element. If the removal of the preceding element fails due to an exception, it rolls back the operation and reverts the document to its original state.

See Also


Removes the element that precedes the specified element with the given ElementID in the document.

public bool RemoveBefore(int elementId)


elementId int

The unique identifier of the element after which you want to remove the preceding element.



true if the preceding element is successfully removed; otherwise, false if the element is not found. Throws a OpenizeException if an exception occurs during the operation.


If the specified element is not found in the document, this method returns false. If the removal of the preceding element fails due to an exception, it rolls back the operation and reverts the document to its original state. The preceding element is removed from the internal document structure and, if applicable, the underlying OOXML document.


Saves the document to the specified Stream.

public void Save(Stream stream)


stream Stream

The stream to which the document will be saved.



Thrown if an error occurs while saving the document.


Saves the document to a file specified by its filename.

public void Save(string filename)


filename string

The path to the file where the document will be saved.



Thrown if an error occurs while saving the document.


Updates an existing element in the structure.

public bool Update(IElement element)


element IElement

The updated element to replace the existing one.



true if the element is successfully updated; otherwise, false. If the element is not found in the structure, false is returned. If an error occurs during the update operation, a OpenizeException is thrown.


This method updates an existing element within the structure based on the element's unique identifier. It locates the element in the structure and replaces it with the updated element. If the update operation is successful, the method returns true>. If the element is not found in the structure, false is returned, and no changes are made to the structure. If an exception occurs during the update operation, the method attempts to restore the structure to its previous state and throws a OpenizeException with detailed error information.

Update(int, IElement)

Updates an existing element in the structure.

public bool Update(int elementId, IElement element)


elementId int

The unique identifier of the element to be updated.

element IElement

The updated element to replace the existing one.



true if the element is successfully updated; otherwise, false. If the element with the specified ID is not found in the structure, false is returned. If the elements' IDs do not match, a OpenizeException is thrown. If an error occurs during the update operation, a OpenizeException is thrown.


This method updates an existing element within the structure based on the provided element's unique identifier. It verifies that the element to be updated has the same ID as the specified element ID. If the IDs match, the method attempts to locate the element in the structure and replace it with the updated element. If the update operation is successful, the method returns true>. If the element with the specified ID is not found, false is returned, and no changes are made to the structure. If the provided element's ID does not match the specified element ID, a OpenizeException is thrown. If an exception occurs during the update operation, the method attempts to restore the structure to its previous state and throws a OpenizeException with detailed error information.